Ethics Board

Mission Statement

The proper operation of the municipal government of the Town of Brooklyn requires that all public officials and municipal employees, whether elected or appointed, paid or unpaid, shall be impartial and responsive to the public interest; that public office and employment should not be used for personal gain or advantage; and that the public have confidence in the integrity of municipal government. Public officials and municipal employees should not place themselves in positions where their private interests conflict with their public duty. The administration of legislative or quasi-judicial power demands the highest public confidence. Anything which tends to weaken such confidence tends to undermine the sense of security of individual rights which the citizen is entitled to feel and therefore is against public policy.

The mission of the Board of Ethics is to make the public, including Public Officials and municipal employees, aware of the necessity for ethical conduct in the operation of all levels of municipal government and the availability of the Board of Ethics to consider and, if appropriate, act upon instances of violation of Town and/or State ethical requirements.

Board Members

Name Title
Cara Coraccio-Bellantone Member
Carrie Barna Member
Stephanie Bellows Chairperson
Dann Stuyniski Member
Stephen Mylly Member