Brooklyn Parks and Recreation Meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 11, 2017

Brooklyn Parks and Recreation

Regular Meeting


September 11, 2017


Commission members present: Mike Gaudreau, Harry Adams, Steve Danna, David Wilterdink, Cliff Soucy, Kim Conroy

Absent:  Mae Lyons Chris Toney, and Scott Allen


Also present: Bucky Lohbusch

Public: none


  1. Approval of regular meeting minutes from July 10,2017

Motion made:  

 1st Harry Adams   2nd Steve Danna     All in Favor



  1. Approval of monthly budget reports

Motion Made:

1st Harry Adams   2nd Cliff Soucy                All in Favor


  1. Fall/ Winter Brochure

Received positive feedback on the brochure, the next brochure comes out in January.


  1. 2017 Sumer Camp Review

24 camperships were given out, totaling 10,115.00

The commission recommended a review of policies and legal obligations for summer camp sign-ups, within the ADA guidelines.


  1. Fall Concerts at Riverside/car cruise

There will be a concert on September 17th; the park will be open at 4:00pm and the concert will begin at 5:00pm. The concert on September 10th was successful with 53 attendees.

There will be a bike rodeo September 24th from 12:00-1:30 at Walmart during the car cruise. Free helmets and giveaways for the kids.


  1. Spooky Nights

The wagon rides will continue.  There will be a friendly house added this year and more wagon drive- bys.

Killingly drama club is participation. There is still a need for volunteers.


  1. Program Update

The Before and After School  programs  waiting list has begun.

There are 30 students in the Before School, and 49 students in the After school program.

The teen center has 17 students, Bucky was informed  the bus that transports the students to the teen program is full and the school will not allow any more students on the bus.  This ties the hands of the Rec department to accept any more students at the center.

Bus trip to NY is sold out

There are thirteen seats left for the Big E

Boston Bruins tickets are available for February 10th


  1. Other Business

Since the state budget has not passed, there is a potential for position cuts throughout the town.

The next meeting will be October 11,2017


  1. Public time:  None



  1. Adjournment


Motion made:  1st  Harry Adams  2nd Steve Danna   All in Favor




Respectfully submitted:  Chris Boyle