Parks and Recreation Regular meeting minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, November 10, 2014


Brooklyn Parks and Recreation Commission

Regular Meeting

November 10 , 2014


Commission members present : Mike Gaudreau,  Steve Danna, Scott Allen, Kim Conroy ,and Chris Toney


Also present: Bucky Lohbusch, Director

Absent: John Don Fransicso

Called to Order:


  1. Welcome new commission member:

Cliff Soucy


  1. Approval of Special Meeting Minutes:

Correction : Number 6 par should be part.

Motion made with the correction:

1st    Steve Danna  2nd Scott Allen  All In Favor


  1. Approval of Monthly budget reports:

Moton made:

1st  Chris Toney    2nd Kim Conroy     All in Favor


  1. Spooky Nights Review

18,528.00 was collected.  Did quite well overall.  Every ticket was sold.  More tickets were sold at presale, at a lesser cost, but still did financially better than last year.

 Need to work on communication with the drivers, and volunteers. Friday had fewer riders than Saturday; but just let the volunteers know they might have to stay later, let them know the time commitment.

Look at partitioning the Better Living Building next year, so visitors only go through once. Possibly stamp their hands.

The committee will do checks and balances to discuss all the ideas .

 Mike Gaudreau, publicly, wanted to thank everyone who helped to make the night a success.




  1. Teen Center Update


First day was November 10, 2015.  A few more items need to be fixed.  It was delayed because the lightning needed to be fixed.  Every light is working on both lots.

Wednesday and Thursday there will be field trips to tour the building from the Brooklyn Middle School.

Things are moving in the right direction.



  1.  2015/2016 Budget


It’s time to start the budget process there are a lot of things to discuss. Bucky would like to form a subcommittee and then present the budget  to the whole commission.  By next month we will need to have the subcommittee in place.  Capital will need to be discussed too!! Steve has volunteered as well as Kim to be on the subcommittee.



  1. Prince Hill Park Grant


The first Selectman is putting in for a grant for Prince Hill.  The tennis courts will be relocated  behind the basketball courts and be lighted.  The grant would fund lightning in the parking lot. The playscape would be relocated to the grassy part in front of the basketball courts. There would be a shade pavilion near the playscape.  Two age appropriate playscapes are being looked at.

The commission may need to look at charging out of town teams for facility use.



  1. Recreation Commission Vacancy


Still may have two vacancies.  There is work on a lead to fill Lauren’s position. The commission is still waiting to hear if Steve is remaining on the commission.


  1. Public Time


  1. Adjournment  8:30


Motion made:  1st  Kim Conroy 2nd  Scott Allen  All in favor